An Issue Addressed

Y’know, for all the ragging on Pitchfork that people seem to take so much joy in, I honestly have to say that if it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have the taste in music that I do. That website alone has introduced me to more music than any other source that I’ve ever used in discovering new artists. Just today, they turned me on to a band that I can’t believe I’ve gone so long without: The Gaslight Anthem. The list of musicians that I’ve discovered purely through coverage on that website is too long to really get into here, and would likely take me days to compile.
I can admit that their reviews are a little….pointless at times. Certainly there are a select few writers there that have a tendency to drone on endlessly about an album without really saying anything worth noting, but I don’t necessarily think that all of the content follows that suit. My point basically is this: it’s just a music website. If you really think it’s worth your time to sit and bitch endlessly about it, then you probably don’t serve much of a useful role on this planet.

~ by heccubus on November 25, 2008.

One Response to “An Issue Addressed”

  1. To get where they are, pitchfork had to be how they are. For that, I respect their taste because it’s so damned picky. Like you said, it’s just another site. If you don’t like it, use a different site.

    I read pitchfork, but sometimes it makes me cringe.

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